- · First open your Adobe Flash and select Action Script 2.0
- ·
Activate the
onion skin by clicking on the icon below the timeline
- · Then copy this stickman figure or simply just print screen.
- · In your menu bar and click File then select import to stage.
- · Select the transforming tool
- · Enlarge the stickman image just enough to fill the stage.
Like this:
- · draw all the stickman figure in each position.
Since the onion skin has already been activated, tracing the figures
won’t be too difficult
right here:
right click on the 2nd playhead then
select insert blank keyframe or (F7)
in your 2nd playhead, you should be able to see the
stickman image shadow.
For the head, use the oval tool or (o) to trace
On the oval tool properties found at the right of the
screen, make sure that the fill and stroke color is set to black
Trace the head first on all the figure
Copy the first stickman head you created then paste it on
each figure.
For the
body, use the line tool or (n) to draw
the parts
On its properties, change the stroke thickness to 4.
You can use the zoom tool or (z) for a clear view of the
Give more emphasis in drawing the feet so you could have a
realistic animation of a walking stickman
On the 2nd playhead, right click on
the whole first figure then select copy
On the 3rd playhead, paste the figure
in the center of the stage
Right click on the figure, then select convert
to symbol
Change the name from Symbol 1 to walking stickman
Double click on the stickman figure.
You will then be redirected to another timeline and
You should be able to see that the figure is now placed in
the 1st playhead
While on the same timeline, right click on the 2nd
playhead then select insert blank keyframe or (F7)
Go back to your 1st timeline by clicking on the
arrow or the scene 1 options found in the upper left of your workspace or stage
On the 2nd playhead, right click on
the whole second figure then select copy
On the 3rd playhead double click the
figure and be directed to the walking stickman timeline
Paste the 2nd figure on the 2nd
right click on the 3rd playhead then
select insert blank keyframe or (F7)
Go back to your 1st timeline
On the 2nd playhead, right click on
the whole second figure then select copy
On the 3rd playhead double click the
figure and be directed to the walking stickman timeline
Paste the 2nd figure on the 3rd
right click on the 4th playhead then
select insert blank keyframe or (F7)
do the same steps in copying the rest of the
figures to the walking stickman timeline.
Make sure you have
pasted the figures in the center of the stage
After all is done, go back to your first
timeline or main workspace
Hold shift and select 1st and 2nd
Right click on the playheads then select remove
to see your progress press ctrl+enter
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