
Jason Lee Beaud
  • Worked as chef's apprentice while studying in Services des Classes d’Accueil et d’Insertion (SCAI) Geneve, Switzerland
  • Took up Gaming and Animation in Informatics Institute Cebu, Philippines. While studying, he joined the campaign that promotes the institute to forthcoming college students in different schools in Cebu. Then eventually worked as a part time lecturer.
  • Skills: Adobe After Effects, MS Office, Adobe Flash, Autodesk, Word-press, C++, Game Maker, Adobe Illustrator, Photography, Blog entry and Article Writing
  • Languages: English (USA), French, Filipino

Cherry May Batiancila
  • Was a nursing student in University of Cebu (UC) Banilad, Philippines,
  • Studied accountancy in Silliman University (SU) Dumaguete, Philippines
  • Then shifted to learning Information Technology in Asian College of Science and Technology (ACSAT)
  • Contributor of Articles for school magazine during secondary school days
  • Member of Unlimited Network of Opportunities Int'l Corp. And was trained and worked as net worker and direct-seller.
  • Also a part-time lecturer in Informatics Institute Cebu, Philippines
  • Skills: MS Office, HTML, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Word-press, Blog and Data-entry, Article and Content writing
  • Languages: English (USA), Chinese (Mandarin), Filipino

  • Computer literate
  • Internet savvy
  • Social Media
  • 82 surfing and/or computer hours
  • Innovative and creative
  • Reading
  • Being updated

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"The authors of this blog are knowledgeable enough through experience and studies. All the information are delivered in an understandable manner. They ensure that the contents of all the posts are original and reliable."

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