How to Make a Banner
Open your Adobe Flash and choose Action Script 2.0
Please familiarize this workspace:
First, we need to change our stage size.
In the properties tab beside the stage, you should find properties size;
- Select edit and copy this width and height size below:
- In our timeline: change the name of the layer from layer 1 to background.
Now, we need to create a background for our banner.
- Select your Rectangle tool and trace our stage size when using our rectangle tool like this:
- · As you can see I’ve covered the stage with grey rectangle with black stroke.
You can choose any color for your background as long you won’t be
having any trouble filling your text inside your banner.
- · Create another layer
- · Change the name of the new layer into text
- · Select your text tool and in your properties change your text size to 50 pt.
You can change your family character in your favor.
Now, insert any text as long as it fits in your background and select
your text and move it at the left side of the stage.
Then in our timeline, both our layers should be inserted with a
keyframe under the 30th playhead.
Now, select your text layer and go to your 30th playhead
There we should select our text and move it to the right side of our
Final step:
- · In our text layer, right click in between our 1st keyframe and 30th playhead keyframe then select create classic tween
Also please take notice that our text layer should be above our background
- · Just hold select our text layer and drag it above our background layer.
- · In your menu bar go to file; click export then select export movie and chose your designated location for your banner.
I saved mine in my desktop because it’s a lot easier to find.
Open your exported movie banner to see your banner.
Before ending this tutorial, I want you to remember that this tutorial
is just an idea on how to create a banner in adobe flash.
After this tutorial you can evaluate your skill in making a better banner.
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