Friday 22 February 2013

Adobe Flash - How To Move Backgrounds

  • Open your adobe flash and choose action script 2.0
We will create a road for our moving background.

  • Before we begin please be familiarize with this workspace


  • ·         Let’s not forget to set our stage with 550 x 400 px size.
  • ·         Now go to your tool bar and choose rectangle tool (R).
  • ·         Create and select your rectangle and go to properties.
  • ·         In your properties you can see position and size.

You have to change your size and position of your rectangle.
Copy below:
X axis: -400 Y axis: 200
Width: 950 Height: 200                                        
  • ·         Change the fill color to gray

Now after changing your location and size of your rectangle, you should be able to have the same size and position like this in your stage.

  • ·         Next step, go to your tool bar and select line tool or simply hit this shortcut (n)
  • ·         Then change the stroke color of your line tool to white.
  • ·         In your rectangle, I want you to draw some lines using your line tool.

Your rectangle should look similarly like a road.

Notice: doesn’t really matter what background you choose as long as looks convincing when we move the background. 
  • Finally, for the animation:
  • ·         First go to your timeline and in your 80th playhead, press right click and insert keyframe.
  • In your 80th playhead you should have the same object as we created earlier in the stage.
  • ·         I want you to select all (CTRL+A). To select everything that’s in your stage.

Then go to properties again change your position and size to this.
X axis: 0 Y: 200
Width: 950 Height: 200

Your background should be in the opposite direction of your first background.
The reason why we place our background in the opposite direction in the first keyframe is for our animation to be able to work.
  • ·         Last step: in between your two keyframe, press right click and select create a classic tween.
  • ·         After that your work should be done, hit ctrl+enter to see your progress.

It would be a nice combination to have a walking stick with your moving background to make it more realistic.

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