Thursday 28 February 2013

Adobe Flash – Glowing Text

Open your Adobe Flash and select Action Script 2.0
If needed then be familiarize with this workspace:

  • ·         Change the name of your layer 1 to background
  • ·         Next, select your rectangle tool with black fill and black stroke color.
  • ·         Make sure your rectangle is big enough to cover the stage

  • ·         Create a new layer by clicking on the new layer icon at the bottom left corner of the timeline
  • ·         Change the name of the new layer to Glow text
  • ·         Then select our text tool and change its font size to 50.
  • ·         Change the text color to gray.
  • ·         Change the font family in your favor
  • ·         Move your text in the middle of our black background.

  • ·         In our Glow Text Layer: right click on the 10th playhead then select insert keyframe
  • ·         Next, we need to select our text with our Selection Tool. (press v for shortcut)

After selecting the text you should be able to see its properties at the right side.
Now, in your text properties we have Position and Size, Character, Paragraph, Options and Filters.

  • ·         Click on our Add filter icon found at the bottom and select Glow, there you can see our Glow Effects.

Remember, we should be in our 10th playhead keyframe.
  • ·         Now, I want you to change your Glow Effects to this just for sample:

Follow the format

Next, still in your Glow Text Layer
  • ·         Right click on the 15th playhead and select insert keyframe (f6)

This is for us to extend the length animation for our glow to be seen.

  • ·         Right click on the 25th playhead and select insert keyframe (f6)
  • ·         Select your text using the selection tool
  • ·         Then go to its properties, under Glow Effects change color red to yellow.
  • ·         Right click on the 30th playhead and select insert keyframe (f6)
  • ·         Right click on the 40th playhead and select insert keyframe (f6)
  • ·         Select your text using the selection tool
  • ·         Then go to its properties, under Glow Effects
  • ·         This time, activate its Inner glow.

Final Step, 1-10, 15-25 and 30-40
  • ·         Right click one by one in between from your 1st keyframe to the 10th keyframe, 15th keyframe to 25th keyframe and 30th keyframe to 40th keyframe.
  • ·         Select create classic tween.

After you should be able to have the same timeline as this:
  • ·         Now, Select your Background Layer
  • ·         Right click on the 40th playhead then select insert keyframe
  • ·         Then Hit Ctrt+Enter to see your progress.

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